By Super Admin

Exposition / Exposition Paris - il y a 2 ans

 IRO : Japanese design through the prism of colors

In the Land of the Rising Solar, colours (iro) have been used to mark rank and social hierarchy because the 7th century. Since then, these chromatic meanings have advanced and have been extended to several kinds of objects. This e-book, written by Rossella Menegazzo, a specialist in i...

Exposition / Exposition Paris - il y a 2 ans

James Tralie, director of nostalgia 

Marseille, nature, and nostalgia. These are the three parts that animate the work of American James Tralie. The young artist’s digital worlds have been observed on Instagram, invaded by water and vegetation. His creativity is impressed by his keep within the Phocaean metropolis during...

Exposition / Exposition Paris - il y a 2 ans

 Mès Lesne. The cry of the horn

It's with dance, this physique language, that Mès Lesne frees his spirit. Inspired by flamenco and urban dance, he has developed a singular fashion, with powerful power and an unidentifiable id, which he brings to its peak in his first choreographic film “Cor.” Rencontre. Who are you?...

Bibliotheques / Bibliotheques Paris - il y a 2 ans

4 stagiaires – Bobigny (93)

lieu de travail : ville + département: Bobigny Seine-Saint-Denis Introduction et contexte: Le service culture, artwork et territoire du Département de la Seine-Saint-Denis recherche 4 étudiant.e.s en formation Publish-Bac (I, II ou III – DU / Licence / Grasp) pour un stage gratifié de 2 mo...

Bibliotheques / Bibliotheques Paris - il y a 2 ans

Un(e) adjoint(e) du patrimoine – Drancy (93)

Titre de l’offre d’emploi: Adjoint aux responsables des Médiathèques de quartier Bois De Groslay et Gaston Roulaud lieu de travail : ville + département: Drancy (93) Introduction et contexte: Le réseau des médiathèques de Drancy- Dugny – Le Bourget se compose de sept médiath...