Circulation(s), the future of European photography

Exposition Paris

Exposition / Exposition Paris 224 Views comments

Underneath the luminous ceiling of the CENTQUATRE-PARIS, Circulation(s), the pageant of young European images, has been put in. For 2022, the collective Fetart, organizer, invitations about thirty artists and honors a country, Armenia. The range of the choice explores artistic images beneath totally different points. We'll retain some artists: Dominik Fleischmann, whose work, between out-of-field and reduce flowers, speaks of animal experimentation; Michalina Kacperak, who weaves metaphors of dysfunctional relationships with a colorful imagination; Silvia Rosi, who crosses migratory narratives and immobile studio portraits; and Agnieszka Sejud, who depicts her modern and subjective Poland. Thus, the image connects us to the dwelling and to the communities that encompass us.

Ana Bordenave

Circulation(s) – CENTQUATRE-PARIS

5, rue Curial, Paris 19e

Till Might 29, 2022

L’article Circulation(s), the future of European photography est apparu en premier sur Galerie Joseph.
